Sneha Mek Dei – Khmer88
One 31Celica is the daughter of a wealthy family. Her father owns a big house and has lots of money. However, they are living in a small house at the country side and they plan to move.
Tewada’s family wants to go first to prepare the new house for Celica’s family, which only includes her dad and herself.
When Celica and her father are on their way to the new house, some assigned bad guys try to kill them and Celica’s father dies.
Before he died, he burned his daughter with a symbol stamp to represent that she is his daughter.
Tewada’s family thought that both of them died and they pretended that Tewada is Celica’s father’s son in order for him to get the inheritance.
Tewada doesn’t know anything because Celica’s father has always treated him as a son.
On the other hand, the mayor of the town decides to raise Celica, until she is old enough to go back and fight for her rights.
He changed her name so that the bad guys won’t be able to find her again. Years later, Celica and Tewada are both grown up and they meet again.
Srolanh Trov Phlas Pdo – Khmer88
GMM 25Jack (Nike – Nithidon Pomsuwan) ning Ui (Pangko – Jintanadda Lamakanon) ylprom riebkear . kousne muoykou nih chaulchett da daemchheu dauchneh puokke svengork phteah muoy del mean tambn samreab riebcham suonochbar tauch muoy . rhaut rk kheunh phteah muoy del bampenh tamrouv kar teang asa titeang la briyakasa la teub bdei braponth samrech chett phlasa tow ti noh . brakear nih nea aoy ke ban chuob tai ( a mi - morokt ki ti sa rea ) ning daem tnaot ( brosa - phit sa nou num sakte ) chea btei braponth mean kaun 2 . del chaulchett the suon phng der . rhaut dl chamnng mitt pheap chit snetth rveang kruosaear teang pir cheapisesa Jack ning Palm del mean arommo la samreab knea towvinhtowmk . pyeayeam daerleng daoy min chhkang . khluonokhnhom phtal min del sangsay avei teangoasa .
Jack ning Ui bant rsanow knong chivit robsa puokke daoy snehea . pheap laitakhchaoh robsa kruosaear rikreay dauchathommotea . tontum nung noh tai ka doeng karpit ampi avei teangoasa . bonte neang ban phtal aokasa aoy btei mean tomneaktomnng cheamuoy borsa phsaeng daoy lokkhakhand tha toh townea ning thveuavei kadaoy trauvte reaykar ning phnhae roubpheap aoy neang krobpel .
dauchneh tomneaktomnng nei kruosaear pir kuchea tomneaktomnng robsa mnoussa buon neak . del mean sechaktei sraleanh athrkambang ning ampeubeab del trauvte leak haey karpit kampoung rngcham kar leatatradeang cheamuoynung karchhucheab del trauvte brachhommoukh vea thveu aoy snehea nih min slab . bonte khnhom min doeng tha trauv rk damnaoh sray yeang na?